Mindful leadership coaching is not for everyone. Neither everyone who claims to be mindful is mindful. Mindfulness is a paradox in itself. Being mindful doesn’t mean you know everything, but you are open to everything. Coaches who fixate upon fixed models and methods are just not that good being mindful. A mindful coach must embrace every possible thought. Their mind must be a clean slate, ready to burst into colors upon the touch of white chalk. If one’s mind is fixated upon a particular method or thought process, their mind cannot embrace the bare infinite that comes with nothingness.
Their minds are just afraid to get lost into wildness. Being mindful requires you to be fearless. Being a mindful coach is not for everybody, as it bears a huge responsibility. The work can also be seen as that of a spiritual guide. Research into neuroscience and neuro-plasticity has diverted the attention towards mindful coaching.
These disciplines of science are helping us understand more about the subconscious and unconscious parts of our self. People are looking to jump the bandwagon in hopes of becoming a better version of themselves. Before you jump on the idea and hire a mindful coach, understand the following three aspects, and see if your coach understands the same: –
An empty mind – The key to mindfulness is an empty mind. This statement may seem paradoxical in nature, but if carefully thought over isn’t so. You should not put in the effort to understand something. Thoughts are like jigsaw puzzles; they fall into place by themselves. You need not put in the effort to place them around. If you feel that you are missing something, you might be right. Instead of looking for that piece of information inside you and filling the gap, Try finding it at the source of information. If you fill the gaps with your thoughts, it is synonymous with filling it up with your ego. You must be open to the possibility that you don’t know everything.
Non – reactivity – A coach must judge aptly when to act and when to not. More often than not, the action isn’t required. A coach must allow their disciple to come up with the action. A wise coach understands the need of his disciples and does the required. A coach is a guide, not a companion. They must not react to woes of the journey of their disciple only appear from time to time to provide them perception.
Permissive attention – A good coach knows where to look. They understand to importance of perception. It is often more important than walking the path. If you could see the path you are walking in a different light, it would change your decisions on that path. This creates feedback that leads to the opening up of infinite possibilities. Keeping all this in mind, a good coach and divert the attention to where his disciple may be lacking.
Mindful leadership coaching puts you in a position to bring about change in society. Big and powerful people visit you for advice. Your job is not to set the path open for them, but to help them understand what lies at the end of the road for them. You must not take your disciple’s destiny in your hand. Training is a must for any mindful coach. Understanding yourself is the first step to being a mindful coach.